Thursday, 17 May 2007

lakeside lazing

so we went fishing on lake volta for Darrens birthday. An absolute idil of rain forest, still water and fish - the rods went down a storm with the locals. And of course we cried and cried and cried. Unbelievable to think he has been gone five years and although the shock is less it is truly hard to realsie we miss him now more than ever. Every time I see Kwajo and Nayah playing and just how in love they are it is impossible to imagine one without the other. Up till now there are moments it is impossible for me to imagine myself with the absense of him.

And so we came back to Accra and the city - light off and other peoples shit coming up through our drains. Truely a country of extreames. Light off means I am typing this in blackness so excuse mistakes. Kwame has travelled north with my first pay check to buy all the things you get cheap in the north. It was terribly exciting to get paid millons and millons and carrying it to the bank in a sack!! July 2007 the money changes though and although the song on telly promises "the value is the same" it won't be the same getting thousands not millons and being able to carry it in a purse!

sorry this is awful as I can barely see the keys and am sweating horribly without the fan - I'm off for a shower - although I doubt there is any water in the tap.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say HI.Every now and then I read your blog which is very interesting since we have a lot in common-we are also an interracial family just like you and we moved to Ghana at the end of 2005.I would like to get in touch with you if it is possible.My mail is (Sara)